What you mean by Environmental health?

Hi friends here in this article I am going to tell about Environmental health.
What you mean by Environmental health?
Environmental health is nothing but it includes the entire physical, chemical and biological factors external body of human beings. It is mainly caused due to pollution due to smoke, noise, water, etc… it will affects the health of human beings and causes diseases. It doesn’t depend upon our environment but it depends upon the environment related to the social things such as vehicles, automobiles, industries, and more. To control the pollution of noise, air, smoke and water the environment organization and management are taking steps. But the peoples are not following the rules if they follow the rules they can save their life and can prevent themselves from diseases. By using low sound producing machines, less smoke producing automobiles, using clean water and recycling the sewage water the peoples can breathe pure air. Those who are reading this article can follow the rules and try to plant trees along the road site to control pollution and to breathe pure air.


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